The Team

John Mason, Rosalind Murray (now Mrs Fowler) and Rem Fowler
John Mason is an experienced ice climber and mountaineer having spent a number of seasons in Norway and has first ascents of both rock and ice routes to his name.  In 2011 John was a member of the Independent British Expedition to climb Broad Peak (8,047m) in Pakistan.  John also has also climbed extensively throughout Europe, the UK and more recently on the Big Walls of America.
Rosalind Murray (now Mrs Fowler) is an accomplished alpinist, ice climber, fell runner and skier.  She has undertaken a number of expeditions to remote areas of the world both skiing and climbing with numerous first ascents of unclimbed peaks in the remote areas of Greenland.  Ros is to become the first female President of the historic Rucksack Club later this year.
Rem Fowler a Royal Navy submariner, is an active mountaineer and accomplished cyclist whilst being passable at skiing and snowboarding.  He has met the challenges of multiple adventure training opportunities arranged by both the Navy and himself whilst based in Faslane, and completed a number of seasons climbing, skiing and snowboarding in Scotland, the Alps and Himalayas

If you would like to get in touch with the team please contact:

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