Friday 5 December 2014

Alls well that ends well

Back in the UK: safe, sound and between us we still have 30 fingers and 30 toes, have some amazing memories and we’re still friends!  Mission accomplished!!

Between us as a team we have 4 summits of two different mountains.  Unfortunately having the glory of standing on the summit of Ama Dablam for a few minutes remains an outstanding goal for us all.  But the mountain will be waiting when we’re ready to attempt it again.  However the months of hard training in the UK hills and endless logistical preparation before the expedition and a month’s trekking in the Kumbu; meeting new people, eating new foods and experiencing new cultures has been a right ball!  It is these memories that stick with you more than a few minutes stood about feeling cold, tired and slightly nervous for the decent off a summit.

So now time it’s time to return to the reality… but not before all the un-packing, seemingly endless piles of washing and attempting to summit the mini mountain of letters and bills pushed through my front door over the past month (which at the moment, is seeming like a harder task than any Himalayan peak!).

What what’s next?
Christmas, New Year, the winter climbing season…  Expedition wise, for John, it’s off to the Cirque of the Unclimbables in the Northwest Territories of Canada to climb The Lotus Flower Tower in August 2015 and Ros and Rem are talking of unclimbed peaks in Greenland.  So there’s more on the horizon, watch this space….

So to end the blog, we hope it’s been informative and thank you for your interest and support in raising money for the two great charities, on the last count, we have raised over £1,000! A great help.

Ready for the next adventure

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