Thursday 13 November 2014

Arrived Safe and Sound in Chukhung

After leaving the Gokyo valley going up and over the Cho La Pass, we have now emerged in Chukhung.

From the Gokyo side of the Cho La it's a stiff hike straight after an early breakfast and the terrain changes from something resembling a valley in the English Lake District up to the first col to feeling very Himalayan as you scramble up to the second col at 5,420m. As you walk down the other side you're looking into the Kumbu and get some amazing views of Ama Dablam.

Prayer flags at the top of the Cho La Pass looking back towards Gokyo
So today we have a well needed rest day after each one of us has managed to contract some uber cold. But it seems to be being slowly shaken off and it's onto Island Peak base camp tomorrow.  We will make an attempt on its summit on Sunday.

Anyway the Internet is about to expire so will try and update in a few days time...

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