Tuesday 30 September 2014

Fundraising target reaches 10%

Firstly a big THANKYOU to everyone who has kindly donated and supported us to raise money for Help for Heroes and The Cumbria Legacy Group.  We have recently just reached 10% of our target to raise £6,856 for these two great causes!
If you would like to help us support these charities, please visit our just giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/teams/amadablam14
As training for the event is starting to come together; I (John) entered the Rab Mountain Marathon over the weekend to rack up two good hill days in the final rundown before we set off on the expedition.  A two day race where competitors carry everything they need to be self-sufficient in the hills and an overnight camp for two days of running between a series of checkpoints.  Overall it was a cracking weekend with friends and the weather just about held off.  The most reassuring thing being my legs feeling reasonably fresh on Monday morning (or as fresh as they can be), giving a fair bit of confidence in the amount of training gone into preparing for the trip.

Now onto the last bits of prep pulling all the kit together, jabs and sorting the visas…

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